Archive, Raw and Unfiltered
- Resources for Learning Scala
- Towards a Better AtomicReference
- JVM Multithreading: Monitor Locks and Visibility
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala (
- Notes On Javascript Client-side Development
- On Scala, Functional Programming and Type-Classes
- Things I Love About Scala
- How To Build a Naive Bayes Classifier
- Data Mining: Finding Similar Items and Users
- Just Merged 2 Domains: Rationale, Setup
- Blogging Platform for Hackers
- UX Tip: Don't Hurt Me On Sign-Up, Wait Until Later
- Crawling the Android Marketplace
- UX Tip: Outside the US, Don't Require Postal Codes
- Android Learning Resources
- Why IntelliJ IDEA is Better for Android Development
- Earning Money as an Amazon Affiliate
- 4 Books For Learning to Design, The Hard Way
- How I Use Flickr: For Backup
- Testing Different Browsers: It`s a Pain in the Ass
- Why I Find Heroku Suboptimal
- Cross-Domain, Cross-Browser AJAX Requests
- I hate NULL and all its variants!
- FreeSWITCH - Tips for Creating a Dialer
- Using the Best Tools in Programming: Not Really Doable